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4°EURO du Collège Boris Vian
19 juin 2011


Alyssa_Expos__John_Lennon John Lennon His childhood His musical debuts The Beatles Private part 5. The end of his career/his death His childhood John Winston One Lennon was born on October 9 1940 in Liverpool. John is his grandfather’s name, and Winston...
19 juin 2011

Antoine G

Irish_music Irish music Irish music was developed in Ireland during the antiquities, it was often affected by political and religious situations. The symbol of Ireland is a harp. As the result of mass immigration of Irish people, it spread across the...
19 juin 2011

Lorraine and Emeline

new_york_deux FAMOUS PLACES IN NEW YORK Times Square : Times Square is a famous square, located in Manhattan, more precisely the corner between the 42 th Avenue and Broadway. Here are gathered the most beautiful cinema halls, the most prestigious theaters...
19 juin 2011

Mrs Bonnefoy

Here are some of the many works the pupils have done (alone or by pairs). They did it on their own and presented it in front of the class, they were filmed and evaluated. They did a great job, congratulations to all of you! These are unedited/uncorrected...
4°EURO du Collège Boris Vian
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